Softdisk PC #101
How to play Softdisk PC #101
Each game uses different controls, Games can have combination of mouse,keyboard and Joystick.
Softdisk PC #101 Description
Softdisk was a notable publisher of disk magazines during the 1980s and mid-1990s. These magazines were distributed on disks and contained a wide range of content, including interviews, advertisements, programs, and games. As a game publisher, Softdisk paid authors for their work, and the programs offered included helpful utilities and games for users to enjoy.
One of Softdisk's offerings was the Softdisk PC #101, which included various programs and games such as an IQ Test, Checkers Defense Initiative, Financial Wizard, Word Up!, Russian Corner, Font: Cocoa Thin, and BMP Graphics. Classic Reload now offers you the chance to play these classic games from Softdisk's heyday. Try them out and experience a piece of computing history!

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