Softdisk PC #100

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How to play Softdisk PC #100

Each game uses different controls, Games can have combination of mouse,keyboard and Joystick.

Softdisk PC #100 Description

Softdisk was a renowned publisher of "disk magazines" that were distributed on disks and contained a variety of content such as programs, interviews, advertisements, and games, mainly from the 1980s to the mid-1990s. Softdisk also acted as a game publisher and paid authors for their work, while the programs included helpful utilities and games that users could play.

Softdisk PC #100 inlcudes features such as:

Home Inventory
Letter Drop
ODM Librarian
Criss Cross
Russian Corner
Wave Sounds
PCX Graphics

To relive the experience of playing these games, one can visit Classic Reload, a website that allows users to play classic games online.

Softdisk PC #100 - additional information

Also known as
Softdisk PC #100
Cover Art

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