1985: The Day After
If using USB Joystick/Gamepad, you can plug the controller in the USB port once the game is loaded for best results.
How to play 1985: The Day After
Each game uses different controls, Games can a combination of mouse,keyboard and Joystick.
1985: The Day After Description
The control of Big Brother (referring to George Orwell's novel 1984, hence the game's title) has been overthrown, and mankind is self-reliant again. The first task in achieving this is to find the required quantity of energy pods. Big Brother stored them on caverns under the surface of four planets, and it's your job to go and find them. You will have to negotiate through tight sections, using rotational controls where left and right changes the ship's direction and up and down change its speed. When you find a pod you must engage the ship's tractor beam to claim it.

1985: The Day After - additional information